Rebel with an Oaty Cause

Today I made myself oats for lunch. What’s that you say? Oats are for breakfast, not lunch? Yeah, I’m badass like that.

Every now and then I get the urge to throw caution to the wind - to go against the norm, stand up for my taste buds and declare, “I will not let society tell me when I can and cannot eat pancakes or porridge!” This may perhaps be a tad dramatic, but it is a worthy cause.

My oat love prevails as I attempt to increase the prevalence of porridge parties and other oaty occasions. If I am feeling a bit of James Dean behaviour coming on, then I will munch on some carrots, celery or capsicum so that I am not missing out on the fabulous benefits of vegetables, which ordinarily feature in my lunch/dinners. I’m rather the organised, nutritionally responsible rebel ;) Still badass, though. Trust me, offer up pancakes at a dinner party and be prepared to endure abhorrent eyes. Most people just won’t appreciate its brilliance. *sigh*

Perhaps one day society will be less judgemental of breakfast battlers like myself, who wish to occasionally celebrate the fabulousness that is oats and other breakfast delights out of the restrictive time-frame that we are currently forced to comply with. Porridge for lunch? Yes please!

Today at lunch I went all James Dean and prepared a bowl of creamy rolled oats, topped with soft and sweet stewed apple, and sprinkled with brown sugar.

It was delightful, and I ate it adoringly and with pride for my deviant oaty behaviour.

Heidi xo
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