Banana Yoghurt Soft-Serve

“Watermelon. Watermelon. I love, you love Watermelon!”

When Ben and I stayed in Hong Kong for a few weeks at the tail end of our European/Thailand adventure last year, we were finally able to spend a good amount of time with his gorgeous little niece, Ella. She is far too cute (and smart) for words, and loves to sing. Ella would listen to The Watermelon Song, by Justine from Play School, over and over again. Even now, whenever we see some watermelon, Ben and I break into song.

Last Sunday morning, I made us a refreshing breakfast following our gym workout and a very successful op shop visit.

Fresh “Watermelon. Watermelon.” and Raspberry juice.

We drank our watermelon juice with  Banana and Yoghurt Soft Serve – inspired by Choosing Raw.

Banana Yoghurt Soft Serve

Two frozen bananas mixed with ~300g vanilla yoghurt, blended until the consistency of creamy, delicious soft serve (~2 minutes). I adore making and eating this, and will often have it as an evening treat.

I also whipped up a quick batch of my Maple Granola with Vanilla and Pecans for something crunchy to sprinkle on top.

Eaten whilst reading the Sunday papers, marvelling at our recent op shop purchases and singing The Watermelon Song, it was a positively perfect Sunday morning.

Heidi xo
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