Easter Weekend

Happy Easter to you!

I'm having fun a bucket-load of with my dear cousin sister this long weekend, who is down visiting from boarding school. It's super fun having a jogging and walking, cooking and eating, movie night partner in crime. We've been a blast getting messy in the kitchen, as I learn about the latest pop tunes (though personally, "Labyrinth" will forever be this movie and not some dude). Nut butter, granola, eggplant puree, poached trout, lemonade and fig jam have been on the menu (to name a few).

Yes, fig jam, which pairs terribly well with Flinders Sourdough's gorgeous Hot Cross Buns.

No, I do not fancy my lovely going back to boarding school in Sydney just yet. Though I suppose the fact that Ben is home in one week makes up for this, somewhat. These past six weeks apart have felt oh so terribly long. Did I mention we leave for the USA in two weeks? Well, we do. I guess I had better get packing...

For now, let's wind down and enjoy some time with family, this Easter.

I think I'll start with these Hot Cross Buns, perfect in the gentle Autumn afternoon light...

Heidi xo