Hong Kong. Full.

My goodness I am having an excellent time in Hong Kong. Has it always been this magical? This full? Yes, it's always been this full. But I'm only just now realising the beauty in the fullness.

I first came to this city in 2002 when I was so small and so completely unprepared for the fullness of Hong Kong. I was used to space and sparse. Now, some four visits later, I am less overwhelmed and more...enamoured. More in love.

In love with the grand structures in which people create such tiny homes; in love with the little nooks selling traditional food, untouched by the years and the growing, imposing buildings further narrowing their already limited space; in love with the sprawling markets full of stinky fish and baskets of greens; in love with that feeling I get when I step on to the sidewalk in Wan Chai, dodging droplets from the air-conditioning boxes above and wiping my brow from the full humidity...as we search for a place to satiate our appetites I am at once so happy to be back and so sad to be going. This time around, you see, I am completely prepared for the superficial fullness of Hong Kong...the cluttered buildings and people, people everywhere... yet I am completely unprepared for how full I feel in my heart for this crazy beautiful place.

Hong Kong. I have so much love for you.

Heidi xo