Spinach and Ricotta Soufflés

Ben and I made these spinach and ricotta soufflés one Friday night for my parents. It was our first time venturing into the soufflé world, and we were thrilled with the result. All you need is a clear mind to follow the steps and you have yourself a simple and nourishing meal. You might even like to bake these the day before and reheat in the oven when serving. How easy is that?

Soufflés feel like a science experiment, don't you think? It's that rise...you put all your eggs in one basket bowl and hope the elements come together and all is executed successfully. Edible experiments are the best kind. My father, the science geek, was surely proud of me for our kitchen success. Though he was too busy scraping the anchovy sauce bowl to articulate this specifically. Well, perhaps that's the best praise of all...

There's mounds of spinach in my refrigerator right now, fresh from the farm. You're sure to find the same green decoration at Farmers' Markets and green grocers. I quite think these spinach and ricotta soufflés make the most lovely dinner party dish, don't you agree?

Yes, my family thoroughly enjoyed these spinach and ricotta soufflés (recipe link), which we served with roasted carrots. Ours were scooped into ramekins slightly too big, and so their rise was somewhat muted. But they were still lovely and light, as soufflés should be. The anchovy sauce is more than a supporting act, it's a key feature in this recipe. With homemade coffee ice-cream for dessert, it was a belly warming meal for a mild Summer's night.

On this evening I served our first batch of coffee ice-cream, the same recipe provided when I spoke on loving eggs. To this day, after all my ice-cream adventures, it remains a favourite. Do give it a try. Served with a dainty pile of Anna's ginger cookies, it was a simple and satiating end to our evening of spinach and science.

Heidi xo