Porridge and Quince and Coffee

I love how the mornings are brighter in April. And while it is undeniably cold, being woken by the sun rather than my phone alarm is a treat. Every time I beat the beat it feels like a victory, the natural world championing over the modern. And I'll smile to myself as I search for my socks. I love how when pouring our coffee, Ben leaves a small portion in the jug for me to savour after I've finished my never quite full enough first mug.

I love how the quince I poached last week sit ever so splendidly atop my bowl of porridge, their soft flesh perfectly scoop-able. The flavours of oats and quince marry so well. It's wholesome comfort, with toasted nuts and seeds and an extra glug of milk.

Porridge and quince and coffee.

Happy Wednesday, friends.

Heidi xo