Who's Afraid of the Michelin Man?

This is not a food post. This is a therapeutic post for us all to share our deepest darkest fears. This is a safe place. Let's do this. When I was younger, I was afraid of the Michelin Man. You know that rotund, white, googly-eyed and grinning roly poly man who popped up whenever your parents stopped off to get petrol or a tire change? Yeah, him.

Now I am all grown up I am...still absolutely creeped out by the guy. Sheesh! He gives me the heebie jeebies alright.

Am I the only one? Tell me I'm not.

As a small child I was also scared of the sound of the toilet flushing. I believed that the evil mistress from Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, would come out of the toilet and capture me. A quick google of 'how to spell Maleficent' informs me that they're making a movie about this villainous vixen starring Angelina Jolie. Well that's just dandy. Maybe next there will be a movie starring the Michelin Man. Nightmares, anyone? What was your childhood fear?

PS. I am now home in the land of Aus! This coming week we are moving into our new rental home and I am itching to get back into the kitchen. Thanks for joining me on my travels. This year has been a hoot, alright. I'll be back with some Hong Kong eating recommendations in a few days.

Heidi xo