Steel Cut Oats

Recently I've been loving on steel cut oats. Though nutritionally they are not dissimilar to my beloved rolled oats, there's something special about these golden groats. I find the texture so fun! Steel cut oats are wonderfully chewy, the tiny bites pop in your mouth. I'm addicted. In fact, I find the combination of rolled and steel such porridge fun I thought I should share it with you today for breakfast.

To make this mix I combine 1/4 cup steel-cut oats with 1/4 cup rolled oats in a small saucepan. Then I'll soak the oats in some milk for ~15 minutes while I have a shower and get dressed, before heating them for ~20 minutes on the stove top, diligently stirring to ensure they cook well. During this time I often read and reply to emails on my phone. The stirring calms me.

Then it's time to play with toppings. Of late I've had a hankering for toasted sunflower seeds or pepitas. Or both. Often I'll add with a spoon of nut butter. Sometimes honey, rarely jam. Today, however, was totally a jam day.

Oh, what a combination.

♥ Steel cut and rolled oats made with milk
♥ Toasted Pepitas
♥ Homemade roasted almond butter
♥ Burnt fig jam
♥ Coffee, black


Heidi xo