Happenings 30.7.19

DOING: sitting in bed next to Walt while he sleeps. This past week we’ve transitioned away from carrier naps to mostly napping in the bed. While he and I both love carrier naps, he’s getting really heavy, and for that reason plus a few others it feels like time we move to napping in the bed more consistently. For those interested, it goes like this: I have a camping mattress on the floor (so if he wakes and crawls he won’t fall off the bed). When he’s ready for a nap I’ll feed him to sleep, then after about 10 minutes I’ll lay him down. Most of the time he keeps sleeping for another 30 or so minutes - sometimes longer, but not often. Joan was never a long napper; only a handful of times did she ever nap for 2 hours. Who knows, maybe Walt will surprise me…but all this is to say, my expectations for long naps are low. Occasionally, once I’ve set him down and creeped out to find Joan (who, with loads of practice, has gotten so good at looking at books or playing on her own while I get him to sleep), he’ll wake and I’ll have to settle him again. But that’s fine. We still do carrier naps - say, if we’re at the park or ballet class, and he needs to sleep - but we’re well and truly in the next stage. And it’s bittersweet, to be honest. My baby is growing up.

HEARING: Joan playing outside with Ben and our neighbours. Gosh she adores those kids. I’m grateful she has such love around her, such a sense of belonging.

DRINKING: I just finished a coffee. I’ve got a bit of a scratchy throat, so might make myself some ginger tea soon (just hot water with slices of fresh ginger root).

EATING + COOKING: I’m super into baked pasta at the moment. Along with this cauliflower beauty, we’ve been making Julia’s lasagne, tweaking it here and there based on what we have in the pantry and fridge. We don’t always make the pasta from scratch, either; if I see fresh lasagne sheets on sale, I’ll grab some from the refrigerated section at the supermarket. I now feel as though I get the lasagne thing. You know - how much sauce you need, the layering process, etc - and am confident enough to just whip one up without looking at a recipe. It’s a nice feeling.

WANTING: this scratchy throat to not turn into a big thing.

LOOKING: forward to having the dirt and mould around our windows cleared away. We’re getting them properly cleaned, resealed and painted very soon and I cannot wait! We’ll be staying at my parents’ house in Red Hill while that happens, which I am both excited about (to spend time with my folks in that beautiful area and go on country walks and eat delicious food) and also sort of dreading (because it’s so much easier to look after two kiddos when you’re in your own space). My parents are exceptionally supportive and generous with their time, though (I am so, so lucky to have them), so I’m sure it will be mostly wonderful.

DECIDING: what to make for dinner this week. Some sort of lentil curry, no doubt. And maybe tacos. Joan is super into tacos at the moment. Also, she’s obsessed with roasted cabbage; I should put a recipe here on the blog.

ENJOYING: the fact that Walt is sleeping in the bed right now. It still feels like a novelty to have a baby who will not wake up the minute you put them down after they fall asleep in your arms.

WATCHING: Since finishing Fleabag, nothing else has appealed. I’ve been moving between The Chef Show (big Roy Choi fan over here. I really want to watch Broken Bread) and Britain’s Best Bakery (I love shows like that. I also now really want to go to Cornwall). Occasionally I'll watch an episode of Shitt’s Creek, which I can tell is good but, for whatever reason, is not really doing it for me. UPDATE: I’ve started watching Shetland and it’s excellent, but I do find I’m often not in the mood for a crime show. That happens to me in late pregnancy and the postnatal period - my mumma brain cannot handle it.

READING: I’ve just started Educated, which is wildly popular and I can see why. So far I’m loving it.

WEARING: still living the jeans + cosy knit life.

BUYING: Ben and Joan are off to Terra Madre tomorrow to do a big shop. We’ve run out of tahini, quinoa, cacao powder, lentils, broth powder and other things. It’s a long way from home but the prices are so good, it’s worth it.

PLANNING: what we need to pack when we go to Red Hill. I’ve also started planning Joan’s birthday party. She turns 4 next month and we’re going to have a little party with her pals.

CRAVING: baked pasta, clearly. I never made that carrot cake I was jonesing for last month, and it still sounds really good. So does a rich chocolate cake.

LOVING: slow weekends at home where we stock up on groceries, do a bit of cleaning and just hang out together - the four of us playing, cuddling, reading, cooking and eating.

SAVOURING: these slow weekends; winter days that are cold but sunny; and peaceful moments with my two kiddos. The other day I looked over to see Joan on the couch with a stack of books to her side. I was lying on the floor with Walt , who was pulling himself up on me, and she was completely content ‘reading’ on her own. It was one of those moments where you’re just bowled over with feelings of contentment and gratitude.

PLAYING: Joan has been doing lots of tree climbing lately. And hide + seek, which I don’t love (she has like 2 hiding spots; it’s kind of boring). Oh, and after watching an episode of Sesame Street where they spoke about Veterinarians, she’s been giving her toys check ups.

FEELING: Like I suddenly have a lot on my plate; sleepy; and just filled to the brim with love for my loves.

Happenings posts inspired by Pip.

Heidi xo