My Kind of Super Food
I wanted to share with you another of my food loves. It is not a single food, although I do adore all these components separately. They are glorious in their own right. However, when their powers combine, much like those Planeteer Kids from Captain Planet, something incredible happens…
Sticky, rich nut butter, so wholesome and earthy. This is real power food; I swear Superman must have always had a tablespoon before zooming off to catch those pesky crims. On top of this wonder paste, lie slices of sweet banana – another super food, championed by the superhero, Banana Man. Nut butter and banana truly are a match made in heaven. Elvis, who some would argue had super powers of his own, made this combination famous. Although he would also add in some greasy bacon. I'm not so keen on this idea. In the end Elvis' superpowers were notably diminished. Don't' blame the bacon…or maybe we should...
Enveloping the nut butter and banana are two slices of toasted bread. The warm dough base melts the nut butter, turning it delightfully gooey and allowing it to spread liberally around the banana slices, intertwining ever so cordially. A humble dietary staple, the bread largely provides a functional purpose for this heavenly meal. However, by choosing something wholesome, like grainy sourdough with seeds, the bread is given a chance to contribute beautiful, nutty flavours of its own. It becomes a key player, rounding out this delicious, humble, nutritious meal. Food fit for a superhero.
I implore you to try this combination. I'm sure that the Planeteers tucked into these before bringing down Captain Pollution, during their world-saving escapades. It truly is a super sandwich.

Heidi xo