Coming Home to Porridge

Well, Winter is here! I suppose it has been here for a while, hasn't it. Yes, Melbourne has been particularly chilled of late. And for me, having only recently come home from the sticky, thick New Orleans heat, it is a real icy delight. I still have a few posts from our USA trip to come, I'm immensely enjoying recapping our adventures. I miss it so, New York City and San Francisco... But it is also very nice to be home, with dear family and friends, familiar comforts like my parents' couch, a cozy sweater and my favourite china teacup. And this thin, bone cold, crisp air.

What a way to be welcomed home and filled with warmth from the inside out, protection from the sometimes sunny and often drizzly frost of July, than with a bowl of hot porridge...

Welcome Home Porridge

Serves 1

A scant 1/2 cup Rolled Oats
2 heaped teaspoons Chia Seeds
3/4 cup Milk

1 generous teaspoon Honey (option: Pure Maple Syrup)
1 very heaping generous teaspoon Coconut Cashew Cream (option: #1 Nut Butter or #2 a sprinkling of roasted nuts)
A piece of Fruit - a small, ripe banana is lovely. As are berries or a fig. Ideally you'll have some poached quince or rhubarb to scoop onto your porridge... In this case I had an orange, served on the side.

1. Put the oats and chia seeds into a heavy-based saucepan. Add ½ cup milk, and turn the heat on to medium allowing the mixture to gently coming to a simmer (if using banana, slice it and add at this point). Once bubbling, turn the heat down a little and stir often to ensure the oats doesn't stick to the bottom. Cook for a few more minutes until the oats are soft, adding the last ¼ cup of milk as required to create a creamy bowl of porridge.
2. Pour your porridge into your favourite bowl and top with your favourite toppings.
3. Eat and enjoy your porridge hug, your welcome home.


Heidi xo