Our first few weeks at home
We're deep in a Joan love bubble over here. Ben and I have fallen hard for our little cherub, whom we call "Chub". We call each other Chub also, an abbreviated form of "Cherub". Across the room we'll yell out to each other "Hey, Chub! Chub just did a giant poo!" To which the other Chub will reply, "Well done Chub!". I suppose to outsiders it may seem like we've gone a little mad, and perhaps in those first newborn weeks you do. Anyone who's a parent will know what I'm talking about. But it's a sweet kind of madness, where everything this tiny little person does is magical and new and touches your heart so magnificently you think you might burst. It's a time of learning how to take care of your baby and learning how to take care of each other, how to nurture your new parent, sleep deprived selves. It's a blessed and challenging time. The three of us are growing in many ways and it's exhausting and beautiful and hard at times. But oh, those sweet, soft, baby snuggles... Here are some photographs from our first few weeks at home.
♥ Bringing Joan home.
♥ All of the deli meats.
♥ Meeting her great grandparents.
♥ Squirmy.
♥ Chillin'.
♥ First Father's Day snuggle.
♥ Father's Day lunch with Joan's grandparents. Johnny Ripe pies forever.
♥ Bubs' first outing, a stroll up the street.
♥ Cute as a button in her knits from her great grandmother.
♥ Nursing like a champion and piling on the fat.
♥ Non-stop snuggling.
♥ Her "unimpressed" face.
♥ Baby don't care if I wear my breastfeeding pillow instead of pants and don't shower all day.
♥ My brother, falling in love.
♥ The many faces of Joan Scarlett.