Porridge Pancake with Grilled Figs

Porridge... Oats. I've shared my devotion to this wholly wholesome grain with you more than a few times, this is true. And so you might be thinking, "how much longer can you harp on about porridge, Heidi, truly?". Well, the honest answer is "all day", but let's reach a middle ground. I'll ask you to just indulge me just a little bit longer, as I share with you a new way I've been enjoying my oats.

Let's set things up...

I like a milky porridge, and welcome a generous gluuuuuug of milk with my oats of a morning. This dairy addition helps to keep me full and makes my porridge dreamy creamy. Though some days, this perfect porridge vision just isn't possible.  Some days, you open the fridge to find that your beloved family have used up most of the milk. Some days, you just have to bless them for their milk loving ways, say "yay" for their bone health, and come up with a different porridge plan.

Melbourne has been experiencing some very cool, very welcome Autumn weather of late, which has afforded an abundance of new produce. Oh, the thrill of new flavours. My parents were recently gifted a giant bag of fresh figs from a friend's tree (thank goodness his family are not fig fans). After doing a little dance, mum and I started to plan all the deliciousness we could create with these lovelies. Fig jam, fig tarts, fig pizza, fig cake, fig pie...these sticky beauties are a true favourite in our household.

And so, on this day when my milk portions were rationed and I did not favour a trip to the shops, I created breakfast using porridge in a different way. I created a porridge pancake (which is not dissimilar to my bircher muesli pancake for one). After taking a moment to appreciate this alliteration, I got to work. And then I topped my porridge pancake off with juicy grilled figs, some maple syrup and a spoon of Greek yoghurt. This terribly wholesome pancake is not sweet, and so pairs wonderfully with a tower of beautiful, caramelised figs. All in all, it is a bit of an Autumn dream.

Thanks for being keen on your milk, mum and dad. And for having friends with figs (the best kind of friends).

Porridge Pancake with Grilled Figs

Serves one

1 & 1/2 tablespoons Rye Flour (or alternative flour)
1/3 cup Rolled Oats
1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder
A pinch of Salt
A pinch of Ground Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Chia Seeds
1.5 tablespoons Water
1/4 cup Milk
1 tablespoon Yoghurt (I enjoy plain Greek yoghurt)
1-2 fresh Figs, sliced (depending on how lucky you are)
Butter, to grease the pan
Extra Greek yoghurt and Pure Maple Syrup, to serve

1. Combine the chia seeds and water in a small cup. Stir and leave to swell for 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, sift the rye flour and baking powder into a bowl. Stir in the oats, salt and cinnamon. 3. In a separate bowl, combine the milk and yoghurt, then stir in the chia seed mixture. Fold the wet ingredients through the dry ingredients until just combined.
4. Heat a large non-stick pan over low-medium heat and grease with a little butter. Test to see if the pan is hot by flicking water onto the pan (if it dances on the pan, it's hot). Ladle the batter onto your hot pan, spreading the mixture out to form one large pancake. Cook for a few minutes until golden brown, then flip and cook for another few minutes until cooked through. Flip the pancake one last time and cook for a final minute on the original side if required.
5. While cooking the pancake, sear the figs for a minute or so on each side until caramelised. Set aside until your pancake is ready.
6. To serve, spoon some Greek yoghurt over your pancake, layer the grilled figs on top and a finish with a drizzle of maple syrup.

Heidi xo